Harmony Missionary Baptist Church

Old-Fashioned Worship for a Modern World

Sermons by the Pastor – Table 5

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Sermon TitleScripture TextListenOutlineOutlineSubject
A MESSAGE FOR OUR TROUBLED TIMESIsaiah 13:11AudioAdobeMSWordAs humanity enters an era in which evil seems to multiply exponentially, scripture declares that God has a punishment planned for such a wicked world as we live in.  In this message we explore the wickedness of the world, God’s right and power to deal with it, and His accommodation for His people despite the judgment to come.    
FINDING GOD IN THE STILL SMALL VOICE1Kings 19:1-14AudioAdobeMSWordPeople have a tendency to believe that God only manifests Himself in very large and expansive actions. However, this biblical message tells us that there are times when He speaks or acts in the most powerful way when His presence is unobtrusive.
JOURNEY, THENumbers 9:18-22AudioAdobeMSWordThis account of how God ordered the movements and the stops of Israel gives us scripture in which to find a great lesson for modern day believers as members of one of the Lord’s churches, and for conduct of a church in the world.
LIFE GIVER AND JUDGEJohn 5:22-29AudioAdobeMSWordJesus Christ is very God and He is both the giver of eternal life and the judge of unbelieving people at the great judgment day.
LIVING THE GOOD LIFEIsaiah 55:1-3; 12-13AudioAdobeMSWordSalvation is eternal, the born-again believer is secure in the keeping power of the Lord’s complete work of salvation.  This condition, appointed by the Lord through Jesus Christ puts the people of God in the place to live the good life. 
LIVING THE GOOD LIFE2Isaiah 55:1-3; 12-13AudioAdobeMSWordThe final part of the message concerning the security of the believer and entrance into the good life. 
LOVE GROWING COLDMatthew 24:1-12AudioAdobeMSWordAs humans live on the earth and as the time of Christ’s return grows closer many things will happen, the most serious of which will be the increase of lawlessness and the degradation of love among mankind.  This especially relates to lawlessness against God’s principles and degeneration of love for the things of God and for the people of God.  
LOVE GROWING COLD2Matthew 24:1-12AudioAdobeMSWordFinal part of the message about love growing cold as time unfolds on earth. 
MAGNIFYING GOD’S WORKJob 36:24AudioAdobeMSWordBelievers are instructed about the many ways that they can magnify God’s work.  This is done by looking for the Lord in everything we possess, use, and do. (can be used in GOD, His Work; Believers, recipients of blessings because of God’s work)  
MASTER OF OUR FATESLuke 8:22-25AudioAdobeMSWordDays in the lives of people on earth are not random occurrences.  Rather, the Lord of All has determined the unfolding of events and occurrences in time, and He is both fully aware of them, and intends for mankind to be affected by His intentions and appointments.   
MERCYPsalms 136:1-3AudioAdobeMSWordThe mercy shown by God is one of the chief divine features that allows human kind to continue to occupy the earth and work the works that it does. This message also reminds us that this amazing mercy of God will end someday, and His merciless judgment will come to pass.   
MERCY2Psalms 136:1-3AudioAdobeMSWordSecond part of our message on the mercy shown by God. This message also reminds us that this amazing mercy of God will end someday, and His merciless judgment will come to pass.
MERCY AND GRACE IN TIME OF NEEDHebrews 4:14-16AudioAdobeMSWordWe learn that Jesus Christ is the great and perfect High Priest for his people.  He claimed that right by living perfectly upon earth, and shedding his blood for our sin, then resting in heaven to make intercession for us.    
MISSING LINK, THE1Corinthians 2:14; 2Peter 3:16AudioAcrobatMSWordUnregenerate humanity continues to lack understanding about the things of God. This fact is examined along with admonitions to beleivers on what it takes to change this spiritual blindness.
MONGREL RELIGION2Kings 17:1-2; 13-17; 20-34 AudioAdobeMSWordAs Israel’s religion developed into a corrupted form, so Christian religion today is moving in the same direction.  It appears that America is leading the field in this development of a mongrel religion.  
MULTIPLICATION2Peter 1:1-4AudioAdobeMSWordChristians learn that they experience grace and peace multiplied in their lives when they diligently seek to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ.  
MY CHURCH, OR SOMEONE ELSES? Matthew 16:13-18AudioAdobeMSWordBible students learn by studying Christ’s sayings that he is the organizer and originator of his kind of church.  Believers therefore should ask themselves whether they are in one of the Lord’s churches or not, and whether or not they are faithful in their commitment to that church.  
MY CHURCH, OR SOMEONE ELSES? Part 2Matthew 16:13-18AudioAdobeMSWordFinal part of our message on the Lord’s church and the commitment and dedication of its members to its spiritual order and success.
MYSTERY OF GODLINESS1Timothy 3:16AudioAdobeMSWordGodliness in this message speaks of that facet that may be called “God-likeness,” as it relates to the persona, characteristics, or nature of God. Focus is on how the person and actions of Jesus Christ manifested God-likeness.
NEWRevelation 21:5AudioAdobeMSWordThe masterful ingenuity of the Lord to create new things points us to the glorious ability he has to create new creatures in Christ Jesus through the power of the Gospel. 
NEW-PART 2Revelation 21:5AudioAdobeMSWordSecond part of our message on the masterful ingenuity of the Lord to create new things.
NOMINAL CHRISTIANITYMatthew 7:13:14AudioAdobeMSWordDiscovery of Jesus Christ, the door into salvation, is hindered by many obstacles which are raised up or created by human beings as they live in this world. 
OCCUPATIONSRomans 2:5-6AudioAdobeMSWordA message examining and emphasizing that God will render judgment to every human creature according to his/her human occupation or career.  This message also explains that there are two types of “occupations,” one of which is a spiritual occupation; the other a carnal occupation.  That is, people either pursue a life in which they seek to serve the Lord, or they pursue a career in which they serve the world and/or the flesh.   
OVERCOMINGRevelation 2:7AudioAdobeMSWordFaithful believers are promised great things as they live for Christ, and the mark of that faithfulness is the mighty overcoming power of the Lord that holds them up.  
OVERCOMING2Revelation 2:7AudioAdobeMSWordFinal part of our message about how faithful believers are promised great things as they live for Christ.
OVERCOMING THE WORLD1John 5:4-5AudioAdobeMSWordWe learn that faith, the gift of God, is that force which enables true believers to rise above the depressing, degrading effects of wickedness among humanity in the world. 
PATIENCE AND SCRIPTURAL COMFORTRomans 15:4AudioAdobeMSWordLooking upon the Word of God as written by inspiration coming from the Lord for each of us to personally use for guidance.  This guidance will lead us to a spiritual place where we will learn patience and comfort because of what the Word tells us. 
PATIENCE AND SCRIPTURAL COMFORT-PART 2Romans 15:4AudioAdobeMSWordSecond part of our message about looking upon the Word of God as written by inspiration coming from the Lord for each of us to personally use for guidance. 
PERCEPTIONS2Kings 5:1-17AudioAdobeMSWordOur personal way of seeing things as humans is very frequently erroneous and always less insightful than how the Lord sees things.  Learning to consult God’s way of seeing things can transform our perceptions into something by which we achieve the most successful way of improving our total understanding-that something is learning to understand how our perceptions shape our behavior. 
POSITIVE PROMISES2Corinthians 1:20AudioAdobeMSWordWe learn that there are no problems with the Lord.  All things as seen from God’s position are positive and not negative.  Promises of the Lord found in scripture can build a positive view in our own souls.  
PRIORITIZING POSSESSIONSLuke 12:13-14AudioAdobeMSWordA number of things in our world can be a snare in the  matter of placing a high priority on the wrong things.  How we prioritize our possessions alongside spiritual interests can detemine what manner of person we are, and what manner of life we lead.  
PURPOSEMatthew 6:22-23AudioAdobeMSWordFrom all the things the mind is able to comprehend and assimilate comes the purposes that drive our lives.  This is the subject of Jesus’ teachings addressed in this message.   
PURPOSES OF MAN AND GODLuke 13:31-33AudioAdobeMSWordIn a world filled with people having so many different agendas, the conflict between the purposes of God and the aspirations of carnal man have always been present. As a result, many agendas and intents of humanity, including governments, oppose the things of God. 
REDISCOVERY2Kings 22:8-11AudioAdobeMSWord(Good one for “study” “Bible” “Word of God” etc. )  The discovery of the Law of God by the priests in the House of the Lord provides a great account for reminding mankind that neglect of the Word of God can lead to profane living, profane governments, profane cultures, and destrution.  
REMEMBERExodus 13:3AudioAdobeMSWordThe chosen people of God in the Old Testament had a history of forgetting God. The presence of God manifested itself to them in a multitude of ways, yet they wandered from the Lord. In this message, Moses charges them to remember the great deeds of God so that they would be prompted to think on Him always. This same charge is important to the people of God in all ages.
RENEWING SPIRITUAL POWERHosea 12:2-4AudioAdobeMSWordWe learn from the chastening of Israel that if believers wander off the path of a proper walk and service to God, then chastening will come to us.  Moreover, forgetting where we get our spiritual strength leads to this wander off the right path.  
RIGHTOUSNESS AND TRUTH REDESIGNED2Corinthians 11:14-15AudioAdobeMSWordThere is a sinister program afoot today that has its roots in the long range plans of Satan. Both secular and religious cultures are working at the devil’s beck and call to reframe righteousness and redefine what is truth.  
SALT WITHOUT SALTINESSMatthew 5:13AudioAdobeMSWordBelievers are on earth to add the flavor of God’s grace among men.  If they lose that ability to provide that influence, they limit their usefulness in the purposes of the Lord.  
SATAN THE SPECULATORJob 1:1-11AudioAdobeMSWordSatan hopes to advance his cause by introducing discord and even chaos into the lives of God’s children.  Believers need to be aware of this and realize that Satan speculates that all men are flaky and not dependable, and that he can use those weaknesses to destroy their work and testimony. A general survey of the wicked characteristics of Satan are given.  
SEE, HEAR, AND IMAGINE1Corinthians 2:9-12AudioAdobeMSWordThe limit of what we as believers in Christ may know right now about the vast glories that we will share with our Lord and Savior are limits we ourselves set by the level of spiritual aspirations we hold while here on earth. In this message, we are encouraged to broaden those limits by learning more about Christ and seeking entrance by faith into those wonders.
SELF-DESTRUCTIONGenesis 6:11-13AudioAdobeMSWordWe learn from God’s pronouncement of the wickedness of mankind in the days of Noah as the reason for destroying the world serves as a warning to mankind today that such wickedness will not be forever tolerated by the mighty and holy God.  This message suggests that we as humans are again at the point of the same depth of wickedness as was mankind in the days of Noah.  
SELF-TEST2Corinthians 13:5AudioAdobeMSWordIn this era of “easy-believism” too many spiritual leaders teach and practice a religious process by which people can be called “saved” without any true experience of having received Jesus Christ.  It is therefore, important for those who believe they have salvation to perform their own self-test to determine whether they are saved or not.  Guidance for that is given.  
SET APARTJohn 17:17-21AudioAdobeMSWordThe people of God are a purchased possession of the Lord. They are set apart to the Lord for the purpose of glorifying Him, being conformed to the image of Jesus.  He does this in a specific way and intends for them to be identified as different from the lost segment of mankind.  
SEVEN KEYS TO LEARNING ABOUT THE LORDMatthew 11:29AudioAdobeMSWordThe Lord’s people often find difficulty learning more about the Lord because of hindrances in the mind and flesh.  In this message, key things to use to learn more about the Lord are provided.  
SEVEN KEYS TO HAPPINESSPsalms 84:5AudioAdobeMSWordHappiness is a very valuable condition for the well-being of humanity.  Almost all people long for a state of happiness and make looking for it one great search.  However, many people miss out on finding it because the search in the wrong place.  This message points us to searching in the right place-that is, searching for happiness in Jesus Christ.   
SEVEN KEYS TO SPIRITUAL STRENGTH1Thessalonians 5:16-22AudioAdobeMSWordSeven scriptural ways to gain spiritual strength.  In times of trouble, the people of God need to be able to find increasing strength of faith.  Scripture gives us the route to that.  
SHIFTING THE BLAMEExodus 5:16AudioAdobeMSWordWe may learn from the incident between the Egyptian taskmasters and the Israelite slaves in our text that when a person is responsible for something, but doesn’t want to be identified as the one responsible, he/she points to something or someone else as being responsible. The Lord’s people are tempted to do this themselves and cautions given in this message help us to avoid the snare.  
THREE KEYS OF WISDOMProverbs 1:2-5AudioAdobeMSWordIt is human nature to be incapable of discovering true wisdom.  It takes a soul which has been renovated to gain true wisdom-which is wisdom from God.  Jesus Christ is the sum of all wisdom, and people may discover that wisdom by faith in Christ and discipleship to Him. 
WHEREFORE1Peter 1:1-22AudioAdobeMSWordThe apostle Peter draws us to think about our own role in the amazing plan of God’s grace.  Seven aspects of this role are examined.  
YEAST PRINCIPLE, THEGalatians 5:9AudioAdobeMSWordA message to the churches of Galatia by the Apostle Paul teaches by allegory how a minute amount of influence can alter large things. This message applies this teaching to caution believers about how the presence of small compromise can lead to degradation of our spiritual condition, and small things born of a spiritual incentive will accomplish great positive things.

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